Sunday, April 29, 2012

9 Months of Dieting Hell -- A Record

Day 1:  I went to a well-known physician-assisted dieting program office yesterday, because I need to lose some weight and can no longer do it on my own.  Why spend all that money?  I have to be accountable to someone, is why.  Dieting when you live alone and have no one to communicate your issues with but a bunch of animals isn't exactly easy.

Why do I need to lose weight?  Over the past few years as I've been going through menopause, it's all staying on no matter what I try.  And there's the depression meds and the drinking and very little exercise in my life.  The drinking is probably the biggest cause.  I'm not an alcoholic -- YET.  But I do drink a great deal of wine.  This started a while back as a coping mechanism I used to deal with bad luck in love.  That's over, and so the drinking needs to be over, too.  The depression meds are never going away -- they can't.  I have a friend who was a geriatric psychologist in her former life, and she told me once she never knew of anyone who went on Zoloft who didn't gain weight.  Count me in on that.

I DO get more exercise than I used to.  I have to walk to the bus, I have to walk to the Metro, I have to walk to the office, I have to walk around Arlington for things at lunch.  I have to walk the dog.  And I run around all over the house when I get home at night.  I don't exactly sit on my ass ALL the time.  And I do have to walk a fair amount on the job.  But none of it's enough.

SO....  This time I'll get help.

I read the "detox" routine that I have to do for the first three weeks of my diet, and I see that I don't have most of the things I need to do this.  Nor are the things already in my fridge diet-ready.  I must eat up some stuff and throw other stuff away.

Except for the caffeine.  They say I'm supposed to cut out caffeine.  I only drink two cups of coffee in the morning and maybe once every two or three months I have a Mountain Dew.  If I drink tea it's herb tea, with no caffeine,  I'm not an abuser of caffeine, but you're not prying my coffee out of me.

So I went to the store and bought protein and some veggies.  I'm ready to start all this dieting tomorrow.  I'll keep blogging for once and let you know how this works out.

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